Ward Trauma Care

The care of the trauma patient evolves over their admission with the focus on the delivery of treatments specific to the traumatic injury as well as preparing for the journey to recovery. The care of the trauma patient on the ward often involves a multidisciplinary team including medical and nursing staff, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, social workers, psychologists and dieticians. Often the care decisions are complex due to multiple medical teams looking after multiple injuries.

The patient’s condition can change over time with deterioration due to recognised complications such as pneumonia, thrombosis and delirium. Specific complications from inadequately treated pain or treatments (intercostal catheters) need to be actively sought and considered.

Training resource kits

Each kit is a collection of tools and resources to guide the effective delivery of a trauma education event. The kits are designed for use in any Queensland Health facility and can be modified by the facilitator to the needs of the learner, as well as the environment in which the education is being delivered.

Immersive scenario

Deterioration in chest trauma

This resource kit provides participants with the knowledge and skill to manage a patient who has respiratory deterioration in the setting of chest trauma on the ward.

Duration: 45 minutes

Target Audience: Ward medical and nursing clinicians

Procedural skill

Changing a semi-rigid cervical collar

This resource kit provides clinicians with knowledge and skills for the care of a patient who requires a semi-rigid cervical collar for management.

Duration: 30 minutes

Target Audience: Ward medical and nursing clinicians

Log roll with spinal precautions

This resource kit provides procedural skill experience for the performance of log rolling with spinal precautions in the ward care setting following trauma.

Duration: 15-30 minutes

Target Audience: Ward medical and nursing clinicians

Case discussion

Thoracic bracing

This resource kit provides the learner with knowledge for the choice and use of thoracic bracing with spinal column injury.

Duration: 30 minutes

Target Audience: Ward medical and nursing clinicians

Help us make these training resource kits better – complete our short survey or contact us with any feedback.

Other resources

Other resources and tools on the topic of ward trauma care.


Clinical resources

Last updated: August 29, 2024