Trauma – Acute Compartment Syndrome aims to provide healthcare workers with a basic knowledge of acute limb compartment syndrome epidemiology, pathophysiology and assessment.
Ready-made immersive scenarios, case discussions, procedural skills and role plays.
Each training resource kit contains:
With learning objectives, facilitation guide and supporting documents
With a curated list of links to further online educational content
Including infographics and resources to print and share as pre or post reading
This video demonstrates a trauma primary survey. It is used to identify and direct management of life-threatening injuries in the trauma patient using a structured approach.
This video demonstrates a trauma secondary survey. This survey looks for other injuries that were not addressed in the primary survey and is often considered a “head to toe” assessment. The secondary survey continues after the primary survey has been completed and life-threatening injuries addressed.
With a regional focus, Cairns Hospital hosts expert clinicians involved in the care of patients with traumatic brain injuries, from the prehospital phase through to rehabilitation.
This resource kit provides the opportunity to discuss the management of patients with blunt chest trauma.
This resource kit provides an opportunity to explore competing priorities in the trauma patient.
This resource kit provides healthcare workers with the knowledge and skills to assess and manage a patient with blunt abdominal trauma, long bone fracture and haemodynamic instability.
This resource kit highlights the assessment and initial management of a patient with intraabdominal haemorrhage post trauma.
This resource kit focusses on the use of a pre-brief, role allocation and effective teamwork strategies to care for a critically unwell trauma patient.
This resource kit provides an opportunity to explore the barriers and challenges in the movement of trauma patients rapidly to theatre who are hemodynamically unstable.
Interested in collaborating with us? QTE accepts expressions of interest.
Clinical Skills Development Service
Jamieson Trauma Institute
Clinical Excellence Queensland
Queensland Health’s Statewide Trauma Clinical Network
Children’s Health Queensland STORK
Metro North Health