Burns Trauma

Burns can occur following trauma with thermal, electrical or chemical energy. The burn severity is calculated after assessment of depth, size and body location involved. In particular, if inhalational burns are present this increases the severity and need for advanced intervention in a specialised environment.

Less severe burns, and those not involving special areas can be safely managed in the outpatient setting with advice regarding dressings and review plan.

With all burns however, confirmation that first aid has been undertaken, an assessment of risk with other past medical and social history ascertained and attention to wound care and tetanus prophylaxis is warranted prior to discharge.

The Professor Pegg Adult Burns Centre at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital (RBWH) is the referral centre for all significant burns in adult patients across Queensland, northern New South Wales, the Northern Territory and the Pacific Islands. Clinicians can seek advice by completing the online burns referral form or contacting the burns team directly via RBWH switch.

Training resource kits

Each kit is a collection of tools and resources to guide the effective delivery of a trauma education event. The kits are designed for use in any Queensland Health facility and can be modified by the facilitator to the needs of the learner, as well as the environment in which the education is being delivered.

Immersive scenario

Facial burns management

This resource kit provides healthcare workers with knowledge and skills to effectively manage a patient with thermal facial burns.

Duration: 60 minutes.

Target audience: Emergency department medical and nursing clinicians.

Case discussion

Escharotomy in severe burns

This resource kit provides healthcare workers with the knowledge of indications for escharotomy in severe burns including the critical procedural steps.

Duration: 30 minutes.

Target Audience: Emergency department medical and nursing clinicians.

Thermal burns

This resource kit provides healthcare workers with knowledge on how to recognise and effectively manage a patient with thermal burns to special areas.

Duration: 30-45 minutes

Target Audience: Emergency department medical and nursing clinicians, allied health clinicians.

Help us make these training resource kits better – complete our short survey or contact us with any feedback.

Other resources

Other resources and tools on the topic of burns trauma.

Clinical assessment tools

Clinical resources

Patient information guides

Last updated: September 16, 2024