DFTB’s Paediatric Trauma course covers key topics in major trauma presentations in children. We have put together a programme covering key paediatric major trauma presentations and delivered by expert faculty. Sessions include presentations on the evidence-base and discussions around common clinical challenges; and there are also recordings of live Q & A panels. This course will also give you access to a set of procedural videos covering trauma procedures.
This analysis and discussion will help inform your decision making to deliver effective, evidence-based care.
Topics covered include: major head injuries; debriefing; chest trauma; penetrating trauma; and eye injuries. This course is aimed at paediatric and emergency medicine trainees, nursing staff, and early career consultants who may see paediatric trauma as part of their emergency department work.
RCPCH has approved this course for CPD in accordance with the current RCPCH CPD Guidelines.
Last updated: July 3, 2024