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54 Results in Queensland Trauma Education for:
This resource kit provides an opportunity for the learner to gain insight into escalation
procedures and options for the management of difficult vascular access for trauma patients.
Overview Trauma case examples to provide the learner with experience in the performance of a structured trauma primary survey assessment. This can be done as a pause and discuss exercise, multidisciplinary scenarios or as didactic education depending on the facilitator and participant need. Description This resource kit provides information to give the opportunity for the […]
This resource kit provides a training opportunity to discuss common trauma triage challenges.
This resource kit provides a learning framework for the assessment and management of the elderly patient with traumatic brain injury.
This resource kit provides an opportunity to explore the assessment and management of patients who sustain chest trauma.
This resource kit provides an opportunity to discuss and practice the preparation for delivery of haemostatic resuscitation.
This resource kit provides the learner with the opportunity to explore ventilation strategies for
different trauma presentations.
This resource kit provides the learner with knowledge for the choice and use of thoracic bracing with spinal column injury.
This resource kit provides clinicians with knowledge and skills for the care of a patient who requires a semi-rigid cervical collar for management.
This resource kit provides procedural skill experience for the performance of log rolling with spinal precautions in the ward care setting following trauma.